Sunday, August 30, 2009

I know I am way behind in my blogging and I have so much to post maybe I will some day get caught up. Jared's Birthday pictures will be next and then the trip to LaGrande and the Oregon Coast. But first......
Our Teenager
I can't believe we now have a teenager. I must be getting old. Tyler is such a great Teen to start the teen years out with though. He is such a great brother and helper.
Ty got this Jack O Connor book He says it's his all time favorite. He ready to join Jack's fan club.

We celebrated Tyler's Birthday with Adam and Emily's Family. Tyler wanted dutch oven chocolate cherry cobbler and homemade ice cream.

We played a mean trick on Tyler this year we went to Idaho Falls with Cole and Tyler's Birthday list to shop for them and told Tyler we must of mixed up his list with Cole's because we bought him Transformers. Ty was not pleased he was really wanting fishing gear ( is he his father's son or what?) Anyway Poor Ty was not too excited about his birthday. When he opened his presents he was so surprised to find fishing gear. I don't think he will ever believe us again. He was such a good sport about it.

This is a video of Tyler opening his presents and he is trying so hard not to cry and be happy he is getting transformers. Unfortunately Abbie was the one video taping so most of the video is of Tyler's hands and you can't see his facial expressions but you get the main idea from listening to what Tyler says.

Tyler was soooo happy to get fishing gear instead of transformers.
We Love you Tyler!!!!
July 6, 2009

1 comment:

Whitney said...

You guys are so Mean haha. But that is so funny.