Sunday, November 2, 2008

                          Body Art!

This picture is of some artwork Jared decided he needed to do on himself.  Don't get me wrong but being a mother of 6 kids makes me really appreciate "silence"  expect in the case when silence is followed by an awful gut feeling that someone is up to something.  I seem to have those moments often with Jared  hence the body art.  

Jared is crazy and lots of fun this picture is of Jared's Tiger face that I painted for him at the park.  I was asked to help paint faces for Cole's kindergarten for their field day.  Jared insisted on having his face painted as well.  


I Know this may not look safe but it is a great punishment to make your kid stand on the table legs  of a table for several hours.  I will say childrens services tend to frown on this for some odd reason.  Jared was entertaining us all with his balancing skills and we didn't have any major injuries from this experience amazingly enough.  The other pictures are just of Jared being Jared.  He makes the goofiest faces and its so hard to do a family picture with him and not have him do some quirky look.  Oh well we just decided not to try any more and just go with the goofy pictures.  It is not fun to have Jason as the photographer however, he doesn't know how to relax and laugh about it.  By the time we are done with family pictures Jason is fuming and I am sitting in the car vowing never to do it again.

Jared the Crazy Man!

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